Market REcap

Insights and analysis into
the real estate market

Hear from our very own real estate and stock market luminary Mike Shapiro, as he brings you the latest in Residential Real Estate trends. Mike has been a thought leader in the real estate market for over a decade, and writes on topics ranging from fluctuating interest rates and regulatory updates to economic patterns and real estate forecasts.

It’s all about energy
Plunk Plunk

It’s all about energy

Energy is often thought of in silos: By type of energy, by source, by class or by use. I think that for us to collectively reach any meaningful goals, it would be useful to think of it more holistically, more universally.

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There’s too much money, honey!
Plunk Plunk

There’s too much money, honey!

There’s too much money in the U.S. economy. On the surface, that doesn’t sound like a bad problem to have. Let’s dig a little deeper to see why I’m concerned.

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Options madness: puts and calls put me on edge
Plunk Plunk

Options madness: puts and calls put me on edge

Not only are there sources of hidden leverage, but what’s being leveraged — stock options — are gaining enormous momentum, to the point where options deals often outpace actual share trades on any given day

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Plunk Plunk


Although the Evergrande group’s $300 billion debt is a drop in the bucket on a global scale, whether this is the first domino to fall in a larger economic reset is the point that has analysts on edge.

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Home: opportunity is (far) out there
Plunk Plunk

Home: opportunity is (far) out there

The media frenzy around skyrocketing prices and the competitive situations that many buyers face tend to mask some of the realities, one of which is that there are still affordable homes out there, albeit maybe a bit further than just an extra subway stop or highway exit.

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Economic implications: uncertainty, liquidity and hesitancy
Plunk Plunk

Economic implications: uncertainty, liquidity and hesitancy

The only thing that’s predictable this week is ongoing uncertainty. This week started with a drop of 700+ points, then rebounded a day later with nearly an equal gain. By the time this posts and you read it, it’s anyone’s guess as to where we’ll be.

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Mid-year economic update: mixed signals
Plunk Plunk

Mid-year economic update: mixed signals

Gross domestic product (GDP) figures point to the strongest growth in years -- so strong, in fact, that the kinds of gains we’ve seen the last several years and the last 12 months in particular simply aren’t sustainable.

What will be the determining factor, the major event, that cools things off?

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Crypto, Crypto, Kryptonite
Plunk Plunk

Crypto, Crypto, Kryptonite

With cryptocurrencies down $1.3 trillion in value since their relatively recent highs, for many investors, crypto has quickly become the new kryptonite, sapping us of our superpowers.

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Information is everywhere: leverage what you learn
Plunk Plunk

Information is everywhere: leverage what you learn

“It always comes back, but it comes back differently.” What this means is that if you take just about any behavior or commodity or economy, after a significant disruption—such as a natural disaster, a war or a pandemic—things always come back, but they aren’t the same.

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Hidden leverage and wealth in America
Plunk Plunk

Hidden leverage and wealth in America

As Covid cases continue to decline, the markets are pushing up and real estate sales prices are still reaching new highs. Just as what falls will rise, what goes up must come down. And with record numbers of people in America jumping into the investment sphere and going full-speed ahead, the potential downside of hidden leverage increases my agita more than just a bit.

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Too much of a good thing? Excess liquidity and rising inflation.
Plunk Plunk

Too much of a good thing? Excess liquidity and rising inflation.

Looking ahead, I think companies that make tangible things—either supplies for other goods or finished products—are likely to be decently positioned. Tech will retain strength, too, although the extreme valuations that we saw in 2020 will unwind some, simply because as we emerge from the pandemic, we won’t be completely reliant on apps to take care of every need.

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“Ugly markets” or beautiful opportunities?
Plunk Plunk

“Ugly markets” or beautiful opportunities?

Spin has been around for as long as communication has existed, certainly. But it struck me that through digital media’s amplified and polarized communication channels, at the end of the day, we really should question just about everything we hear and read.

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The first 100 days, market updates and housing insights
Plunk Plunk

The first 100 days, market updates and housing insights

Residential real estate remains extremely tight and very, very pricey overall. Eventually it will shift, particularly when there’s a confluence of increased housing inventory, rising mortgage rates and better returns on safer investments so that people have somewhere to put some money besides stocks and real estate.

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